Many historians say: Ether is a chemical element. This is logically incorrect when saying Ether is a field. On the other hand, when considering and comparing with other theories about Ether, Ether is not a chemical element.
John Keely's understanding of Ether is broader and deeper than the Ether problems of Eric P. Dollard and other scientists in the early 20th century. Currently, mainstream science does not talk much about Ether because they have rejected its existence. The basic concept of Ether on the internet, Wikipedia, is a concept for beginners in philosophy only.
Ether, as described by various thinkers and integrated with modern insights, is a universal, dynamic medium that bridges the material and immaterial realms. It is both a formative and transformative substance, underlying all matter and energy, and serves as the foundation for vibratory, harmonic, and cyclical interactions. Ether is not a singular entity but a spectrum of densities and dynamics, ranging from dense atomolic structures to fluid, spiritual states that evolve into consciousness. It is the connective tissue of the universe, enabling energy propagation, matter formation, and cosmic cycles, aligning with modern quantum mechanics’ concept of a vacuum teeming with fluctuations and latent energies. This "quantum soup" embodies infinite potential, harmonizing ancient wisdom with contemporary scientific paradigms. [A comprehensive AI summary]
The Atomic problems mentioned in relation to John Keely:
"Atoms are multiple combinations of atomoles, and they also exist in solid, liquid, gaseous, and isolated forms." [Keely]
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History of Atomic Models |
"If matter without form preceded creation of energy, it was only when life was given that the atoms became grouped in individualities through their intrinsic properties. The hypothesis of Macvicar and demonstrations of Keely pivot on the law of assimilation "providing at once for the free and the forced ... for mind and matter, and placing them ... in relationship." This law is summarized as "Every individualized object ... assimilates itself to itself in successive moments of its existence and all objects tend to assimilate one another." In its own nature, matter is wholly plastic or devoid of fixed innate properties wholly assimilative - both with respect to its own portions and to surrounding objects, as well as its position in space and insofar as it is capable, to the mind of its Creator. In the ether are constructed groups of ethereal elements generating material elements." [Snell Manuscript - The Book, page 2]
"The famous Keely motor, which has been hovering the horizon of success for a decade, is but an attempt to repeat in an engine of metal the play of forces which goes on at the inmost focus of life, the human will, or in the cosmic spaces occupied only by the ultimate atoms. The engineer with his mallet shooting the cannon-ball by means of a few light taps on a receiver of depolarized atoms of water is only re-enacting the role of the will when with subtle blows it sets the nerve aura in vibration, and this goes on multiplying in force and sweep of muscle until the ball is thrown from the hand with a power proportionate to the one-man machinery. The inventor Keely seeks a more effective machinery; a combination of thousands of will-forces in a single arm, as it were. But he keeps the same vibrating principle, and the power in both cases is psychical. That is, in its last analysis." - [George Perry, The Fountain Head of Force]
The atoms, having withstood the cosmic forces of elemental heat, gravity, magnetism, electricity, etc., already existing, cannot be altered by those same elemental forces, much less by these forces in the hand of man. [Snell Manuscript - The Book, page 2]
"The atom is surrounded with a dynasphere, or etheric capsule, which prevents the atoms from touching each other, inasmuch as this dynasphere is in inconceivably rapid motion. Dynaspheric force is broadly divided into two categories: the sentient and the non-sentient atoms (particles to it). Dynaspheric force, composed of non-sentient atoms, is the force used mechanically by Mr. Keely to his motor." [Laurence Oliphant] [Snell Manuscript - The Book, page 3]
This dynaspheric force, which is also called etheric, is conditioned as to its nature on the quality of the atoms which form its transmitting media; and which are infinite both in variety and in their combinations. They may, however, be broadly divided into two categories; viz., the sentient and the non-sentient atoms. Dynaspheric force, composed of non-sentient atoms, is the force that has been already mechanically applied by Mr. Keely to his motor; and which will probably, ere long, supersede the agencies now used for locomotive, projectile, and other purposes. When the laws which govern it come to be understood it will produce materially a great commercial and industrial revolution. There is no hard-and-fast line between the sentient and the non-sentient atoms; just as zoophytes are a connecting link between the animal and vegetable creation, so there is a graduated scale of atoms, between atoms [See isotope] which although animated by the divine life are not sentient, and those which are as highly developed, relatively to them, as man is to a cabbage. [Dynaspheric Force]
"Beyond disintegration lies dispersion, and Keely can just as easily disperse atoms of matter as disintegrate its molecules, dispersing them into ether. The law of gravity appears in the light of Keely's experiments but one manifestation of a law which provides for the reversion of the process of attraction in the shape of a process of repulsion. Keely, by means of a belt and certain appliances which he wore upon his person moved singlehanded, a 500 horsepower vibratory engine from one part of his shop to another, without a scratch on the floor, and astounded engineers declared it could not have been moved without a derrick, to use which would have required the removal of the roof." [KEELYS SECRETS - 1888]
"To comprehend the form of even the atom is to take the introductory or first step toward understanding the eternity (infinity of time) of duration of matter. But to attempt to comprehend the neutral center - the compound etheric or seventh subdivision - is attempting to comprehend the Infinite, for although it is a point and has substance, it is so small that if it were enlarged to the size of the sun, its structure would not be visible under the highest power microscope that can be constructed. No process of mathematics can comprehend or measure such minuteness, for it transcends both logic and computation. Molecules, intermolecules, atoms, interatoms, etherons, interetherons, can be represented by progressive degrees of tenuity, although the degree of tenuity of the latter four is such as we cannot comprehend because we have not and cannot sense them, but the neutral center, with its marvelous properties, its infinite power, is as incomprehensible to our minds as the aggregate power, mass and extension of the objective Universe. We may measure the Outreach of the progressive subdivisions to and including the neutral center, but to attempt to comprehend its properties and powers is to attempt to cross a bridge of mist. No attribute of mind linked with crude molecular matter can actually comprehend the neutral center."
"Harmonic sympathetic evolution indicates the atom is of wonderfully complex structure. The progressive disintegratory steps in the molecular and intermolecular fields also indicates wonderfully complex structure of those subdivisions." [Snell Manuscript]
Atomic Triplets
"The structure of the air molecule, as believed in by Keely, is as follows: - Broken up, by vibratory action, he finds it to contain what he calls an atomic triplet. The position of a molecule, on the point of a fine cambric needle sustains the same relation to the point of the needle that a grain of sand sustains to a field of ten acres. We will, then, imagine a molecule magnified to the size of a billiard ball, and the atomic triplet magnified to the size of three marbles, in the triangular position, within that molecule, at its center; unless acted upon by Electricity, when the molecule, the billiard ball, becomes oblate, and the three atoms are ranged in a line within, unless broken up by the mighty force of vibratory action. Nature never gives us a vacuum; consequently, the space within the molecule not occupied by the atomic triplet must be filled with something. This is where the Genii - "the all-prevading ether" - has made its secret abode through untold eons."
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Three Vectors |
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Three Planes |
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Three Spheres |
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Triple Streams of Electricity |
3 - In the third sphere, vibrating things, molecules, atoms, etc. gaseous, liquid, or solid have tensions and forces far beyond the requirements of music, and far above the audible region where musical sounds have been located by the Great Numberer. The multiplication of forces there, and their augmentation derived from sympathy, of which sympathy we have faint illustrations in the region of [Scientific Basis and Build of Music, page 86]
The sympathy of one thing with another, and of one part of a thing with another part of it, arises from the principle of unity. For example, a string requires to be uniform and homogenous to have harmonics producing a fine quality of tone by the sweet blendings of sympathy; if it be not so, the tone may be miserable ... You say you wish I were in touch with Mr. Keely; so do I myself ... I look upon numbers very much as being the language which tells out the doings of Nature. Mr. Keely begins with sounds, whose vibrations can be known and registered. I presume that the laws of ratio, position, duality, and continuity, all the laws which go to mould the plastic air by elastic bodies into the sweetness of music, as we find them operative in the low silence of oscillating pendulums, will also be found ruling and determining all in the high silence of interior vibrations which hold together or shake asunder the combinations which we call atoms and ultimate elements, but which may really be buildings of wondrous complexity occupying different ranges of place and purpose between the visible cosmos and Him who built and evermore buildeth all things. The same laws, though operating in different spheres, make the likenesses of things in motion greater than the differences. [Scientific Basis and Build of Music, page 87]
"Observations confirm this: those acquainted with scientific progress must be struck with the fact, that of late the more brilliant achievements have been made in dealing with the unseen. The microscopist, the chemist, questioning the ultimate particles of matter; those who occupy themselves with the mysteries of molecular vibration, bear the victorious wreaths of successful discovery, and show that every atom teems with wonders not less incomprehensible than those of the vast and bright far-off suns."—J. W. Reynolds, M.A.
[Harmonies of Tones and Colours, Diagram XIV - The Modulating Gamut of the Twelve Minor Keys by Fifths1, page 39]
Swami Sri Yukteswar
"The Atom, under the influence of Chit (universal knowledge) forms the Chitta or calm state of mind, which when spiritualized is called Buddhi, Intelligence. Its opposite is Manas, Mind, in which lives the Jiva; the self with Ahamkara, Ego, the idea of separate existence.
"Chitta, the Heart; Ahamkara, Ego, the son of man. This Atom, Avidya, the Ignorance, being under the influence of Universal Love, Chit, the Holy Spirit, becomes spiritualized, like iron filings in a magnetic aura, and possessed of consciousness, the power of feeling, when it is called Mahat, the Heart, Chitta; and being such, the idea of separate existence of self appears in it, which is called Ahamkara, Ego, the son of man.
"Buddhi, the Intelligence; Manas, the Mind. Being thus magnetized, it has two poles, one of which attracts it toward the Real Substance, Sat, and the other repels it from the same. The former is called Sattwa or Buddhi, the Intelligence, which determines what is Truth; and the latter, being a particle of Repulsion, the Almighty Force spiritualized as aforesaid, produces the ideal world for enjoyment (ananda) and is called Anandatwa or Manas, the Mind." [Swami Sri Yukteswar, The Holy Science, Sutra 6]
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