Not my information, just sharing it here.
In order to make any sense of the term and the concept of “counter space”, we first need to be ready to free ourselves from deeply held but unphysical and nonsensical notions about space and time: that means we have first to erase from our mind everything we associate with Einstein, and let instead Faraday, Maxwell, Heaviside and Steinmetz guide our thought process.
What is a dimension? there is a difference between a physical dimension and a metrical dimension. One has physical reality, the other has not and exists only for the purpose of quantifying physical dimensions.
SPACE is a metrical dimension and it is ONE, NOT THREE, the three being the result of a choice, that of an orthogonal geometry. Any number of co-ordinates in any number of geometries can serve to define the boundaries of space-the use of the cubic three is habitual.
Quantifying Space is multiplicative and done in powers of a unit space dimension, let’s say [cm]. We have positive powers and negative powers. The positive powers being Length [cm], Area [cm^2] and Volume [cm^3], the negative powers being Span [1/cm], Density [1/cm^2] and Concentration [1/cm^3].
The positive powers of space are called “conventional-spatial“ relations, or simply “space relations”, the negative powers of space are called “counter-spatial” relations or counter space.
TIME is another purely metrical dimension, here again only to quantify. If space is multiplicative, Time is additive, represented by a number line. We can move forward and backward along this line while the notion of “per time” [1/s] represents a cycle, or frequency [f].
What are physical dimensions then? let’s say we have a carton of milk, then the milk is the physical dimension, whereas the carton is the metrical dimension of the bounding space. Milk as such has no boundaries, milk as such is not quantified. When you want to make cheese out of milk, you add the linear metric dimension of time…..
Now, with Einstein, the 20th century has relapsed into the primitivism of Newtonian billiard ball physics, totally ignoring and positively denying the foundational insights of our electrified civilization. Harvesting the fruits of these insights, yes, understanding them, no!
The primordial physical dimension is the unbounded ether, the polarization of which creates all and everything we see and feel. The ether as such has no duration and no extension, doesn't know space nor time.
“Time and Space … It is not nature which imposes them upon us, it is we who impose them upon nature because we find them convenient.” ....H.Poincare
It is the polarization of the ether which creates everything, and this polarization plays out between SPACE and COUNTER-SPACE: this polarization is called the ELECTRIFICATION of the ETHER, where Magnetism “lives” in Space, whereas Dielectricity “lives” in Counter-space.
Here we have to jump across a counter-intuitive canyon, because both space and counter-space are positive, inclusive quantities: the more space the more stuff you can store, but, counterintuitively, also the more counter-space, the more stuff you can store.
For the Electricity extant between a pair of wires in your lamp cord,
-the closer the wires, the more Capacitance (C in Farad) and thus the more Dielectricity.
- the farther apart the wires, the more Inductance (L in Henry) and thus the more Magnetism.
Therefore, the smaller the space: the more Counterspace → the more Dielectricity can be stored, and conversely, the larger the space between the wires: the more Space → the more Magnetism can be stored.
In order to truly appreciate this we have to let go of another “prehistoric superstition” as C.P.Steinmetz called it already in 1900: the idea that electricity moves in wires. It does not! Electricity is an induction process in time and not a movement in space, and it takes place between wires, in the “dielectricum”, NOT IN them. Wires are only wave guides, conducting only because they resist penetration, like fences resisting the passage of sheep for instance. Superconductors allow an almost zero penetration and therefore an almost frictionless guidance. Wires get hot because of sheep rubbing along the fence, not because sheep moving inside the fence!
It is a basic concept of J.C. Maxwell that the Electrical Activity is contained solely within the Dielectric Medium (i.e. the insulator), not within the metallic portion of the geometry which bounds it.
It is important to understand, that the dielectric and the magnetic field are force fields, exerting actions so as to increase their Coefficients of Induction, that is, the Dielectric Capacitance, and the Magnetic Inductance are increased.
-the Dielectric Field pulls the conductors together, increasing Counter-space.
-the Magnetic Field pushes the conductors apart, increasing Space.
The Dielectric Field is contractive and the Magnetic Field is expansive.
The total Electrification of the Ether [Q] in [Planck] thus is the product of the Magnetic Induction [Φ] in [Weber] - associated with the metric dimensionality of space - and the Dielectric Induction [Ψ] in [Coulomb] - associated with the metric dimensionality of counter-space.
Q = Φ・Ψ
The qualitative aspect of a medium with respect to Capacitance (Dielectricity) and Inductance (Magnetism) is expressed in factors called Permittivity [ε] as a factor of Capacitance and Permeability [μ] as a factor of Inductance.
[μ] in (Henry/cm) and [ε] in (Farad/cm) thus represent the Dielectric and Magnetic Inductivities of the medium bounded by the metallic-dielectric geometry. These can be seen as gradients characterizing a medium, like the resistance to a measles infection of a certain population. It is obvious, that without a population, there is no infection, similarly, without a medium, there is no Inductance Gradient [μ] nor Capacitance Gradient [ε]. Talking about [μ] and [ε] of a vacuum is therefore complete nonsense.
Because Electricity is not a thing, but a process, we need to look at the time variance of these primordial physical dimensions Dielctricity and Magnetism, like milk being a physical dimension, but now we are looking at making cheese, which involves time:
The rate of change in time of the Dielectric Induction [Ψ/t], or the time rate with which the Dielectric Induction is produced/consumed is the Displacement Current [I] and expressed in what is called the
Maxwell Law of Dielectric Induction:
I=Ψ/t…….in Ampere
The rate of change in time of the Magnetic Induction [Φ/t], or the time rate with which the Magnetism is produced/consumed, is the E.M.F or Electro-Motive-Force and expressed in what is called the....
Faraday Law of Electro-Magnetic Induction:
E=Φ/t ……in Volts
The total Electric Activity thus is the product of Weber/s and Coulomb/s giving us Planck/s^2 or the Electric Power [P] inWatts
Q/t^2 = Φ/t・Ψ/t = I・E = P in Watts
Q = P・t^2 in Watt・s・s
Thus, the total Quantity of Electric Induction i.e. the total Quantity of Electricity is given in Watt・second・second and that means that the variation in time, the rate of change, the time derivative of the total Electrification of the Ether is Energy
Q/t in [W]・[s]^2/[s] = [W]・[s] = [J]
One Watt・second is one Joule, the unit of Energy. That means, energy is not a primary physical entity, it is a time derivative of the electrification of the ether. It is NOT a fixed quantity of which the universe has only so much. Energy is a result of a process in time and has absolutely nothing to do with mass (E=mc^2). In an upside down way it does have to do with [c] though, and that is via the magnetic and dielectric laws of proportion and the magnetic and dielectric gradients [μ] and [ε]
Law of Magnetic Proportion: Weber ≡ Ampere・Henry
Law of Dielectric Proportion: Coulomb ≡ Volt・Farad
Weber・Coulomb/cm2 ≡ V・A・μ・ ε ……and that is the same as
Planck/cm^2 = Planck/s^2・μ・ ε …… and that gives us
s^2/cm^2 = μ・ ε
The product of the magnetic and the dielectric inductivities comes dimensionally in time squared over distance squared and that has been written as 1/c^2 and from that through mathematical transformation one has arrived at [c] in [m/s]. But we can see that this is fallacious, because nowhere here do we encounter a displacement of space per unit time, which is what a velocity is. There is no phyiscal reality that can be called “speed of light”, the underlying physical realities are two induction gradients.
Furthermore, this is strictly a characteristic of the Transverse Electro Magnetic Wave, so, elevating an incorrectly derived quantity with a limited domain of validity to universality, and on top of that call it a universal limit is totally bogus, and a cosmology built on it can only be called ideology, not a valid physical description of the world.
Revealed At Last... Must watch!
Free Energy Magnetic Generator and synthesizes many other technologies imbued with Nikola Tesla's technological identity
✔ Nikola Tesla’s method of magnifying electric power by neutralizing the magnetic counter-forces in an electric generator
Generates Energy-On-Demand: 👉 Free Energy Will Change Our World Forever
✔ Combination of induction motor and alternator
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✔ Various methods of generating high power immobile generators
✔ Or maybe called Overunity for the system. Mother Nature doesn't care about people calling or naming phenomena. Overunity/Free Energy, Zero Point Energy (ZPE) are just a few different words
The origin of the above definition and understanding of Counterspace is extracted from the book A Common Language for Electrical Engineering: Lone Pine Writings - by Eric Dollard
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