Free Energy with Homemade Pyramid Model

When I was learning about Etheric flow, Etheric force, the nature of light, I came across the content about the model of generating electricity from the pyramid after a long journey of searching.

There is always an invisible Etheric flow that flows through everything before our eyes. This is seen when the experiment cools matter to Absolute Zero, but vibrations still appear at the atomic level. Scientists call this Zero Point Energy. However, they do not have an exact description of this energy source.

Etheric is actually a higher state of Ether, including circles created by vibrations in Ether, the circles and the matter outside the circle are Etheric at many levels, but basically the circles create atoms of the element. This is the atomic structure in John Keely's sympathetic vibrational physics.

There is no satisfactory explanation with today's quantum theory or modified electrical physics. To know why this device generates electricity and what the actual mathematics of this model is, science needs to study the Aether again, especially the true nature of light, then the "counterspace", the existence of high-level Etheric particles in space that permeate and penetrate everything (not the Aether but the corpuscles that route the Aether). I could present this here, but this is not the right time. So let's leave it for another time. I will just summarize this model in the Ether to show the existence of polarity in the Ether.

Free Energy with Homemade Pyramid Model

General explanation:

With the high frequency non-light radiations routed by the Etheric, the tilted face of the pyramid will reroute the high energy vibrations down to the ground!

Metal plate, quartz sand, water, they act as Capacitors to collect "Dielectric Energy" (dielectric term of Ether). Two coils act as a collector of the energy of both phases of Etheric level vibration. There is no charge called negative with this form of energy when collected! Two coils, together with quartz sand, as a "quartz filter", act as a resonator, will enhance the voltage! [see the structure at the bottom of the patent in this article]

In the Ether field: The smaller the space, the higher the capacitance.

In space (Universe) there are always particles that penetrate everything, these "particles" are the Etheric at the level of many times division (very small).

The Etheric will route to create countless coaxial circuits so that the dielectric creates a capacitance with a difference state, creating a polarization at the Etheric level. The coils based on this polarization generate a normal voltage for use.

Brief explanation of Free Energy with Pyramid Model
Brief explanation of Free Energy with Pyramid Model

The above explanation is based on the Ether physics of John Keely and Ken Wheeler. Here is a video about the nature of light in the manifestation space of Ether:

💠 Note that: many scientists can describe the Ether with the methods of field perturbation using elementary and advanced mathematics. However, at the present time, they do not need to reveal it freely to the world. This sounds like Eric P. Dollard and John Bedini know the history of the world and human nature, and they have no reason to reveal it freely to the world.

The books and documents using mathematics to describe Aether by scientists in recent decades are enough for scientists and engineers to develop technology, and there are many books for students and students to study. They write books like a work to leave their mark, with the content to prepare for the establishment of another World Order. According to the world history (Tartaria): They are people who belong to the side of the Divine Authority in the ranks of the world's rulers. This work was active from the 70s until 2019. At present, 2025, those scientists are still waiting. It is possible that the faction opposing the Divine Authority, the Secular faction, is establishing the New World OrderIn other words, the Divine Authority faction, they may have failed and are waiting.

The fate of humanity in the history of the world must be the fate of the Collective, not the fate of the individual. Therefore:

“If science knew what LIGHT actually IS, instead of the waves and corpuscles of incandescent suns which science now thinks it is, a new civilization would arise from that fact alone.” [Russell]

💎 Proposed solution (technology)

Instructions for making a generator at home with only easily found electrical devices and electronic components: 
👉 Harnessing Infinite Energy from Voltage Transients 
       [ Infinite Energy System ]
  • You just need to assemble according to the circuit diagram.
  • The generator making work will be fully guided at simple and advanced levels.

💠 We will see the application and possible test of the existence of the Etheric with the free energy device in the pyramid model below. Content edited by Patrick J. Kelly:

A radio engineer called Karel Drbal turned up with a patent application for a cardboard pyramid shape which kept razor blades sharp and was promptly told to get lost.   The patent authorities demanded that he have a theory to show how the device worked.   Karel was not particularly put out, and spent years investigating before he determined a theoretical basis for the device.   He returned to the patent office, much to the disbelief of the Chief Patent Officer.   He was granted his patent, not because his theory was compelling, but because the Chief Patent Officer took a pyramid home and tested it with his own razor blades.   When his practical tests confirmed that the pyramid did exactly what Karel claimed, he was granted Patent No. 91304, “Method of Maintaining Razor Blades and the Shape of Straight Razors” and here is a translation:

Republic of Czechoslovakia
Office For Patents And Inventions
Published August, 1959
Patent File Number 91304

The right to use this invention is the property of the State according to Section 3, Paragraph G, Number 34/1957
Karel Drbal, Prague
Method of Maintaining Razor Blades and the Shape of Straight Razors.

Submitted 4 November, 1949(P2399-49)
Patent valid from 1 April, 1952

The invention relates to the method of maintaining of razor blades and straight razors sharp without an auxiliary source of energy.   To sharpen the blades therefore, no mechanical, thermal, chemical or electrical (from an artificial source) means are being used.   There are various mechanical sharpening devices being used up to now, to sharpen used razor blades.   The blade is sharpened by crude application of sharpening material, which always results in certain new wear of the blade during the sharpening process.   Furthermore, it is known that the influence of an artificial magnetic field improves the sharpening of razor blades and straight razors, if their blades are laid in the direction of the magnetic lines.

According to this invention, the blade is placed in the earth's magnetic field under a hollow pyramid made of dielectric material such as hard paper, paraffin paper, hard cardboard, or some plastic.   The pyramid has an opening in its base through which the blade is inserted.   This opening can be square, circular, or oval.   The most suitable pyramid is a four sided one with a square base, where one side is conveniently equal to the height of the pyramid, multiplied by pi /2. (which is pi or 3.14 / 2).   For example, for the height of 10 cm, the side of 15.7 cm is chosen.   The razor blade of a straight razor is placed on the support made also of dielectric material, same as the pyramid, or other such as cork, wood, or ceramics, paraffin, paper, etc.   Its height is chosen between 1/5 and 1/3 of the height of the pyramid, this support rests also on a plane made of dielectric material.   The size of this support should be chosen as to leave the sharp edges free.   Its height could vary from the limits stated above.   Although it is not absolute necessary, it is recommended that the blade be placed on the support with its sharp edges facing West or East respectively, leaving its side edges as well as its longitudinal axis oriented in the North / South direction.   In other words to increase the effectiveness of the device it is recommended lie in essence in the direction of the magnetic lines of the horizontal component of the earth's magnetism.   This position improves the performance of the device, it is not however essential for the application of the principle of this invention.   After the blade is properly positioned, it is covered by the pyramid placed in such a way that it’s side walls face North, South, East, and West, while its edges point towards North-West, South-West, South-East, and North-East.

It is beneficial to leave a new blade in the pyramid one to two weeks before using it.   It is essential to place it there immediately after the first shave, and not the old, dull one.   But it is possible to use an old one, if it is properly resharpened.   The blade placed using the method above is left unobstructed until the next shave.   The west edge should always face West.   It improves the sharpening effect.

Example:   When this device was used, 1778 shaves were obtained using 16 razor blades, which is 111 shaves per blade on the average.   The brand used was "Dukat Zlato" made in Czechoslovakia.   The lowest count was 51, the highest was 200.   It is considered very easy to achieve up to 50 shaves on the average. (for a medium hard hair).

The following shows how the invention could save both valuable material and money.   One of the razor blades mentioned above, weighs 0.51 grams.   We will consider 50 shaves on average when placed in the pyramid against 5 shaves when it is not.   It is obvious that the number of shaves, degree of wear, and the ability to regenerate the dull edge depends on the quality of the material, quality of sharpening process, and hardness. ....given that the numbers are averages and could be in fact much better.   In the course of the year one therefore uses 73 razor blades without the aid of the pyramid while only eight razor blades while using the pyramid.   The resulting annual saving would be 65 razor blades or 33.15 grams of steel per person.

Only the pyramid shape has been used for this invention, but this invention is not limited to this shape, as it can cover other geometric shapes made of dielectric material that was used in accordance with the invention.   And that this shape also causes regeneration of sharp edges of shaving blades by lowering of stresses and reducing the number of defects in the grids of crystal units, in other words recovering and renewing the mechanical and physical properties of the blade.

This is interesting, as it confirms by independent test that a pyramid shape produces an effect, even if it is not possible to say with absolute certainty what exactly the effect is and how exactly the pyramid shape manipulates that energy.

Thomas Trawoeger has produced a video of a pyramid which he constructed.   The video commentary is in German and it shows a computer fan being operated when connected to his pyramid which looks like this:

Sceptics will immediately say that as there are wires connected to the device, that the power for the fan is being fed through those wires, even though they appear to be connected to monitoring equipment.   This is possible, but in my opinion, it is not actually the case.   The pick-up used is shown here:

It should be remembered that these pictures are quite old and all inventors keep working on their inventions in an effort to improve their operation and to investigate the effects caused by alterations.   At the close of 2007 the design has progressed considerably and now features a number of most unusual things ranging from construction to orientation.   This forum is working on replicating this design thanks to the generosity of Thomas Trawoeger who speaks German and the exceptional work of Stefan Hartmann who has produced an English translation and who hosts the web site.

The following is an attempt to present the basic information from that forum in a clear and concise manner, but I recommend that you visit and contribute to the forum if you decide to experiment with this design.

The frame of the pyramid is not the same shape as the well-known Egyptian pyramids and has a sloping face some 5% longer than those in Egypt.   The materials used in constructing the pyramid are very important.   The frame is made of 20 mm x 20 mm x 2 mm square-section steel tube.   While the exact size of the pyramid is not critical, the exact proportions are critical.   The base must be exactly square, with each side of the base being exactly the same length, 1 metre in this case.   The sloping sides are exactly the same length as the base pieces being 1 metre long also.   Eight one-metre lengths of steel section will therefore be needed for building the frame.

The sides of the pyramid need to be covered with a rigid sheet and here again, the material used is critical, with only gypsum/paper boards (plasterboard with no foil) being satisfactory - other materials just don’t work.   If no sides are added, then the pyramid is very difficult to adjust to get proper operation.   When the frame has been constructed, its is positioned in a most unusual way being forty-five degrees away from the conventional positioning of a pyramid.   This sets this pyramid so that one pair of corners face North - South, and the frame should be connected to a good electrical ground as shown here:

The pick-up is constructed from 12 mm outside diameter copper pipe and fittings and is hard soldered together.   It has an overall size of 120 mm x 100 mm hard soldered together as shown here:

This frame of copper piping is not assembled as shown straight off as there is a requirement for a long graphite rod, 2 to 3 mm in diameter, to be positioned vertically inside each vertical leg of this frame and that can’t be done after assembly.   So the bottom section is assembled as one piece, and the top section is assembled separately with the graphite rods sticking down out of the T-sections, held in place by their wires and insulating plugs.   The graphite rods can be bought from art materials supply shops.

The very fine filter-grade quartz sand filling for the tubes is inserted and the graphite rods carefully positioned so that they do not touch the side walls of the vertical copper tubes, and the two parts joined by hard soldering:

The left hand side hole in the copper pipe is used to inject a 5% salt / water solution, using a hypodermic syringe, until the water starts to come out of the hole at the right hand side.  The right hand side hole is 5 mm lower down than the one on the left.

Next, the wires are bent around to produce a 9-turn coil with a 25 mm diameter, around the vertical copper pipes. The windings are in opposite directions on the opposite sides of the frame:

Next, a ten-plate capacitor is made from copper sheets 1 mm thick.   As copper is very expensive, the copper plates can be produced from spare lengths of copper pipe, cut along the axis and flattened careful to produce a smooth, unmarked surface 70 mm x 35 mm in size.   The plates are stacked and accurately aligned, and a hole is drilled 1 mm off-centre.   Then each alternate plate is turned around to produce two sets of plates bolted together with a 6 mm diameter plastic bolt, 1 mm thick plastic washers and a plastic nut.   A plastic threaded rod and a plastic nut can be used instead of a plastic bolt.   Because the hole is not quite central, the plates stick out at each end, giving clearance for attaching the plates together with the copper wire coming out of the copper pipe framework:

The capacitor is positioned inside the copper pipe frame and held in place by the strength of the 2.5 mm thick copper wire coil around the vertical pipes in the frame:

The pick-up sensor is now attached to the pyramid frame.   Using a non-conductive cord, it is suspended by the top lug and it’s orientation controlled using the lower two lugs.   The positioning in the pyramid is unusual, being North-East to South-West, as is shown here:

Next, a second capacitor is constructed from 1 mm thick copper sheet.   Again, sections of copper pipe can be used after being cut along their long axis and carefully opened out and flattened.   This capacitor is just two plates 140 mm x 25 mm spaced 1 mm apart (one inch = 25.4 mm).

A voltmeter can be used to check the exact alignment of the pyramid.   There is a video (with a commentary in German here showing an earlier version of this pyramid set-up driving an electrical fan taken from a computer).   If this device interests you, then you should join the enthusiast research and development forum mentioned earlier.

In June 2011, Thomas issued instruction videos which show how to construct, use and troubleshoot his newer design of pyramid. These videos are in English and they are very detailed and instructive. One person has split those two very long videos and placed them on YouTube as a series of thirteen smaller videos. In them, he states that the salt water in the design above is actually counter-productive and should not be used.

I will not attempt to show the construction details described in those videos as the information is very extensive, but a few comments may be appropriate here. Thomas refers to a ‘wheel’ but unless I am mistaken, he means a solid plastic rod of circular cross-section. The coil wire which he uses is 1.5 mm diameter copper wire with plastic insulation. With an inner coil of 104 turns, that can produce 1.5 amps at 14 volts, which is 21 watts, and with no input power being provided by the user, that is a COP of infinity. However, if I understand what he is saying, he positions his pyramids North-South (unlike the design above) and more importantly, at a particularly good point on what he calls a ‘water-line’ which I take to be a ley line located by a dowser. That may be due to the fact that he lives in a village in Austria which is a long way from the Equator, which, according to Joseph Cater’s analysis of pyramids, reduces their effectiveness.

In this new design, Thomas uses 20 watts of power from a Citizen’s Band radio transmitter, boosted by an amplifier, and applied to his detector tube while he fills it very slowly with fine-grain, high-quality quartz sand. This signal orientates most of the quarts grains and probably replicates most of Thomas Henry Moray’s detector which allowed such high power extraction from a simple aerial. In this design of Thomas’ no earth wire is needed for operation. An earth wire is provided, but this is for the protection of the user and is not part of the energy gathering system. Thomas agrees with Joseph Cater, that the energy being tapped flows out of the top of the pyramid.

Thomas picks a fairly small size of pyramid for his demonstration tutorial. It is made using eight pieces of steel channel, each piece being exactly one meter long. He welds these together but remarks that bolting them together is perfectly all right provided that each piece makes good electrical contact with the pieces which it touches as the whole frame acts as a single component in his design.

Thomas also talks about ‘welding’ the inner copper pipe to one end cap, but what he means is ‘soldering’ the joint as he spreads resin on the join, heats it with a gas torch and then runs plumber’s solder around the join.

Final Reveal:

Instructions for making a generator at home with only easily found electrical devices and electronic components: 
👉 Harnessing Infinite Energy from Voltage Transients 
       [ Infinite Energy System ]
  • You just need to assemble according to the circuit diagram.
  • The generator making work will be fully guided at simple and advanced levels.

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